
铁甲工程机械网> 工程机械资讯> 行业 > 大使加持,“印”证最佳:柳工印尼举行第一届技能比武大赛



10月20日,柳工印尼公司在雅加达理工学院举行了第一届技能比武大赛决赛。印尼驻中国大使Djauhari、印尼人类发展和文化协调部副秘书Thmas Siregar及印尼驻华文化参赞Yudil等多位当地政要受邀出席。

On October 20, LiuGong Indonesia held the final round of its first Technical Skills Competition at Politeknik Negeri Jakarta (hereinafter referred to as "PNJ" ). Several local dignitaries, including Indonesian Ambassador to China Djauhari, Deputy Secretary of the Indonesian Ministry of Human Development and Culture Thmas Siregar, and Indonesian Cultural Attaché to China Yudil, were invited to attend.


Mr. Djauhari highly recognized the efforts and contributions made by LiuGong in Indonesia. He stated, "LiuGong Indonesia's collaboration with the Indonesian government and local education sector effectively realizes the cooperative vision in the field of vocational training as part of the 'Belt and Road' initiative. This further enhances Indonesia's vocational training standards and fosters friendly relations between China and Indonesia."


Nearly 300 participants from 7 regions of the country underwent multiple rounds of regional competitions, and 21 contestants were selected as finalists, qualifying for the LiuGong Indonesia Regional Finals. The finals were judged through both on-site and online evaluations, assessing contestants on their ability to diagnose faults, disassembly faulty components, and conduct machine walk-around. Ultimately, six winners will represent LiuGong Indonesia in the grand finals held at the company's headquarters at the end of November.


LiuGong Indonesia live-streamed the finals, and several media outlets actively covered the event, highlighting the local emphasis on school-enterprise collaboration and vocational education.


As early as June of the previous year, LiuGong partnered with Liuzhou Vocational and Technical College (hereinafter referred to as "LVTC") and PNJ to initiate a school-enterprise cooperative education program aiming at training high-quality engineering machinery professionals, making LiuGong the first company in the industry to collaborate with outstanding Indonesian institutions.


On July 6th of this year, LiuGong Indonesia Customer Experience Center opened in Jakarta. This center is equipped with advanced teaching facilities, providing professional training venues, courses, technical support, and comprehensive service solutions for local students and customers.


In September, Premier Li Qiang stated at the China-ASEAN Summit that 10 vocational colleges would be established in ASEAN countries in the next three years. LiuGong, LVTC, and PNJ’s school-enterprise cooperation and training center project have successfully been selected as one of the China-ASEAN Vocational Colleges.


LiuGong Indonesia will collaborate with local governments, enterprises, and the education sector to collectively promote local vocational education development, cultivate more high-quality talents, and inject new vitality into the development of both China and Indonesia. It is becoming a role model for the localization of international companies, fostering positive growth.


The LiuGong Global Technical Skills Competition aims to train high-quality engineering machinery professionals, not only enhancing the vocational skills of engineering technicians but also further boosting LiuGong's service capabilities and brand influence globally. At the end of November, service experts from around the world will compete on the same stage, and we eagerly await the results!



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In 2002, LiuGong put forward the globalization strategy. Since then, LiuGong has had over 30 overseas subsidiaries & offices, 4 overseas manufacturing plants and 5 R&D bases spreading across the world. More than 300 dealers provide LiuGong products and services to the customers in over 170 countries & regions. Guided by the reform of building a world-class enterprise with global competitiveness, LiuGong will continue to actively build a synergistic global strategic partnership across the entire value chain by firmly promoting the "Total Globalization, Total Solution and Total Intelligent" strategy.



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